This genre of music is usually quite simple, and I think this album artwork reflects that.The colours are very natural and light, which represents the sound of the music on this album, because it has a light sound to it, and it doesn’t sound artificial at all. The genre of music on this album is acoustic/folk. The face of the mouse like lights on a screen in a club – they’re the same colour as the ears, carrying on the theme of clubs/raves. The ears of the mouse look like neon green glow sticks – this links in with the clubbing scene again, people tend to have glow sticks at clubs and raves. Other heavy metal bands have used it in their logos and album covers, such as Slipknot.ĭeadmau5 are a drum & bass/electro band - their album artwork represents this.This genre of music is usually played in clubs, which are usually dark, which is why there is a dark background – it sets the mood of the genre more. This pentagram symbol is usually associated with hell, the devil and evil, so this fits in with the theme of the CD cover. Rob Zombie’s songs are heavy, and the vocals are rough. The font of the band logo is distorted and rough around the edges, this reflects how the music of the band sounds.
The artist’s name is Rob Zombie, which is why they’ve edited him to look just like a Zombie. Those colours are associated with hell and evil. The background colours are yellow, orange and red – which are the colours of fire. There is a theme of hell (as it says in the album title), and Zombies.